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records all such contribution source information.
This file is part of Poutyne.
Poutyne is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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import contextlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain, islice
from math import cos, pi
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
plt = None
from poutyne.framework.callbacks.callbacks import Callback
# Lazy parameter spaces
# A space is just an iterable
class linspace:
A lazy linear parameter space that goes from ``start`` to ``end`` in ``steps`` steps.
start (int): the start point.
end (int): the end point.
steps (int): the number of steps between start and end.
>>> list(linspace(0, 1, 3))
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, steps: int):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.steps = steps
def _progress(self, i):
return i / (self.steps - 1)
def __iter__(self):
return (self.start + self._progress(i) * (self.end - self.start) for i in range(self.steps))
class cosinespace:
A lazy cosine parameter space that goes from ``start`` to ``end`` in ``steps`` steps.
start (int): the start point.
end (int): the end point.
steps (int): the number of steps between start and end.
>>> list(cosinespace(0, 1, 3))
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, steps: int):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.steps = steps
def _progress(self, i):
return i / (self.steps - 1)
def __iter__(self):
return (self.end + (self.start - self.end) * (1 + cos(self._progress(i) * pi)) / 2 for i in range(self.steps))
class Phase:
Defines how to configure an optimizer.
For each train step it returns a dictionary that contains the configuration for the optimizer.
lr (List[float], optional): a configuration space for the learning rate.
momentum (List[float], optional): a configuration space for the momentum.
def __init__(self, *, lr: Optional[float] = None, momentum: Optional[float] = None):
if lr is None and momentum is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify lr and/or momentum.")
self.configuration = OrderedDict()
if lr is not None:
self.configuration["lr"] = lr
if momentum is not None:
self.configuration["momentum"] = momentum
def __iter__(self):
names = list(self.configuration.keys())
values = self.configuration.values()
for values in zip(*self.configuration.values()):
yield dict(zip(names, values))
def __repr__(self):
return "\n".join(
*[f" {name}: {val}" for name, val in self.configuration.items()],
def plot(self, param_name: str = "lr", ax=None):
Plot the phase for the given `param_name`.
param_name (str, optional): the name of the parameter to plot.
ax (~matplotlib.pyplot.axis, optional): a matplotlib axis to plot on, if given.
The matplotlib axis.
# pylint: disable=import-error
if ax is None:
_fig, ax = plt.subplots()
return ax
# complex policies build from simple phases
# pylint
def one_cycle_phases(
steps: int,
lr: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 1),
momentum: Tuple[float, float] = (0.95, 0.85),
finetune_lr: float = 0.01,
finetune_fraction: float = 0.1,
) -> List[Phase]:
The "one-cycle" policy as described in the paper `Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of
Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates <https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.07120>`_.
You might want to read the paper and adjust the parameters.
steps (int): the total number of steps to take.
lr (Tuple[float, float]): tuple for the triangular learning rate (start, middle).
momentum (Tuple[float, float]): tuple for the triangular momentum (start, middle).
finetune_lr (float): target learning rate for the final fine tuning. Should be smaller than
finetune_fraction (float): fraction of steps used for the fine tuning.
Must be between 0 and 1.
A list of configured :class:`~poutyne.Phase` instances.
`Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates
steps_annealing = int(steps * finetune_fraction)
steps_up = (steps - steps_annealing) // 2
steps_down = steps - steps_annealing - steps_up
return [
lr=linspace(lr[0], lr[1], steps_up),
momentum=linspace(momentum[0], momentum[1], steps_up),
lr=linspace(lr[1], lr[0], steps_down),
momentum=linspace(momentum[1], momentum[0], steps_down),
lr=linspace(lr[0], finetune_lr, steps_annealing),
momentum=linspace(momentum[0], momentum[0], steps_annealing),
def sgdr_phases(
base_cycle_length: int,
cycles: int,
lr: Tuple[float, float] = (1.0, 0.1),
cycle_mult: int = 2,
) -> List[Phase]:
The "SGDR" policy as described in the paper `SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts
Note the total number of steps is calculated like this: `total_steps = sum(base_cycle_length *
(cycle_mult ** i) for i in range(cycles))`
You might want to read the paper and adjust the parameters.
base_cycle_length (int): number of steps for the first cycle.
cycles (int): the number of repetitions.
lr (Typle[float, float]): tuple for the learning rate for one cycle: (start, end).
cycle_mult (float): multiply the last cycle length with this every cycle. The length of a cycle
grows exponentially.
A list of configured :class:`~poutyne.Phase` instances.
`SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts
steps = [base_cycle_length * (cycle_mult**i) for i in range(cycles)]
return [Phase(lr=cosinespace(lr[0], lr[1], step)) for step in steps]
class OptimizerPolicy(Callback):
Combine different :class:`~poutyne.Phase` instances
in an :class:`~poutyne.OptimizerPolicy` and execute the policies in a
phases (List[~poutyne.Phase]):
A list of :class:`~poutyne.Phase` instances.
initial_step (int): The step to start the policy in. Used for restarting.
def __init__(self, phases: List, *, initial_step: int = 0):
self.phases = phases
self.current_step = initial_step
self.phases_iter = iter(self)
def on_train_batch_begin(self, batch_number: int, logs: Dict):
# Don't do anything when we run out of phases.
with contextlib.suppress(StopIteration):
spec = next(self.phases_iter)
def __iter__(self):
space_iter = islice(chain.from_iterable(self.phases), self.current_step, None)
for param_dict in space_iter:
self.current_step += 1
yield param_dict
def all_steps(self) -> List[Dict]:
Return the list of dictionaries of configurations for all steps.
This does not advance the current_step count.
A list of dictionaries of all the parameters for each step.
return chain.from_iterable(self.phases)
def __repr__(self):
return f"OptimizerPolicy:\n phases: {self.current_step}\n current_step: {len(self.phases)}"
def _update_optimizer(self, param_dict: Dict):
for param_name, param_value in param_dict.items():
for group in self.model.optimizer.param_groups:
group[param_name] = param_value
def plot(self, param_name: str = "lr", ax=None):
Visualize all :class:`~poutyne.Phase`s of
this :class:`~poutyne.OptimizerPolicy`.
param_name (str, optional): the name of the parameter to plot.
ax (~matplotlib.pyplot.axis): a matplotlib axis to plot on, if given.
The matplotlib axis.
# pylint: disable=import-error
if ax is None:
_fig, ax = plt.subplots()
values = [step[param_name] for step in self.all_steps()]
return ax