Source code for poutyne.framework.callbacks.wandb_logger

import os
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import torch

from poutyne.framework.callbacks.logger import Logger

    import wandb

except ImportError:
    wandb = None

[docs] class WandBLogger(Logger): """ WandB logger to manage logging of experiments parameters, metrics update, models log, gradient values and other information. The logger will log all run into the same experiment. Args: name(str): Display name for the run. group (Optional[str]): Specify a group to organize individual runs into a larger experiment config (Optional[Dict]): A dictionary summarizing the configuration related to the current run. save_dir(str): Path where data is saved (wandb dir by default). offline(bool): Run logger offline to later stream data to a remote server. id(str): Sets the version, mainly used to resume a previous run. version(str): Same as id. anonymous(bool): Enables or explicitly disables anonymous logging. project(str): The project's name to which this run will belong. experiment: WandB run to use instead of creating a new one. The other WandB's configuration parameters will be ignored. batch_granularity(bool): Whether to also output the result of each batch in addition to the epochs. (Default value = False). checkpoints_path (Optional[str]): A path leading to the checkpoint saving directory. You need to specify this argument to log the model checkpoints at the end of the training phase. initial_artifacts_paths (Optional[List[str]]): a list of paths leading to artifacts to be logged before the start of the training. log_gradient_frequency(int): log gradients and parameters every N batches (Default value = None). training_batch_shape(tuples): Shape of a training batch. Used for logging architecture on wandb. Example: .. code-block:: python wandb_logger = pt.WandBLogger(name="A run", project="A project") config_dict = {"Optimizer": "sgd", "Loss": "Cross-Entropy", "lr": 0.01} wandb_logger.log_config_params(config_params=config_dict) # logging the config dictionary # our Poutyne experiment experiment = pt.Experiment( directory="a/path", network=network, device="cpu", optimizer="sgd", loss_function="cross_entropy", batch_metrics=["accuracy"], ) # Using the WandB logger callback during training experiment.train( train_generator=train_loader, valid_generator=valid_loader, epochs=2, seed=42, callbacks=[wandb_logger] ) # You can access the wandb run via the attribute .run if you want to use other wandb features image = wandb.Image('a/image.png', caption="a caption"){"My image": image}) wandb.finish() # Call once your finished with your experiment. """ def __init__( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[Dict] = None, save_dir: Optional[str] = None, offline: Optional[bool] = False, run_id: Optional[str] = None, anonymous: Optional[bool] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, experiment=None, batch_granularity: Optional[bool] = False, checkpoints_path: Optional[str] = None, initial_artifacts_paths: Optional[List[str]] = None, log_gradient_frequency: Optional[int] = None, training_batch_shape: Optional[tuple] = None, ) -> None: # pylint: disable-msg=too-many-locals super().__init__(batch_granularity=batch_granularity) if wandb is None: raise ImportError("WandB needs to be installed to use this callback.") anonymous_lut = {True: "allow", False: None} self._wandb_init = dict( name=name, group=group, config=config, project=project, id=version or run_id, dir=save_dir, resume="allow", anonymous=anonymous_lut.get(anonymous), ) if experiment is None: if offline: os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "dryrun" if is None: = wandb.init(**self._wandb_init) else: warnings.warn( "There is already a wandb running experiment. This callback will reuse this run. If you want" "to start a new one, stop this process and call `wandb.finish()` before starting again." ) = else: = experiment{"run_id":}) self.log_gradient_frequency = log_gradient_frequency self.training_batch_shape = training_batch_shape self.checkpoints_path = checkpoints_path if initial_artifacts_paths is not None: self._log_artifacts(initial_artifacts_paths, name="Initial-artifacts", artifact_type="Miscellaneous") def _watch_gradient(self) -> None: """ Activate wandb gradient watching. """, log="all", log_freq=self.log_gradient_frequency) def _save_architecture(self) -> None: """ Save architecture. """ device = self.model.device dummies_batch = torch.randn(self.training_batch_shape).to(device) save_path = + "/" + + "_model.onnx" torch.onnx.export(, dummies_batch, save_path) def on_train_begin(self, logs: Dict): super().on_train_begin(logs) if self.log_gradient_frequency is not None: self._watch_gradient() if self.training_batch_shape is not None: self._save_architecture()
[docs] def log_config_params(self, config_params: Dict) -> None: """ Args: config_params Dict: Dictionary of config parameters of the training to log, such as number of epoch, loss function, optimizer etc. """
def _on_train_batch_end_write(self, batch_number: int, logs: Dict) -> None: """ Log the batch metric. """ if self.batch_granularity: train_metrics = {"training": {"batch": logs}} step = None self._log_metrics(train_metrics, step=step) def _on_epoch_end_write(self, epoch_number: int, logs: Dict) -> None: """ Log the epoch metric. """ train_metrics = {key: value for key, value in logs.items() if not key.startswith("val_")} val_metrics = {key[4:]: value for key, value in logs.items() if key.startswith("val_")} learning_rate = self._get_current_learning_rates() if self.batch_granularity: train_metrics = {"training": {"epoch": train_metrics}} val_metrics = {"validation": {"epoch": val_metrics}} step = None else: train_metrics = {"training": train_metrics} val_metrics = {"validation": val_metrics} step = epoch_number self._log_metrics(train_metrics, step=step) self._log_metrics(val_metrics, step=step) self._log_params(learning_rate, step=step) def _on_train_end_write(self, logs: Dict) -> None: if self.checkpoints_path is not None: self._log_artifacts([self.checkpoints_path], "Checkpoints", artifact_type="Model-weights") def _log_metrics(self, metrics: Dict, step: int = None): """ Log metrics for a specific step. Args: metrics (Dict): The metrics to log in the form of a dictionary. step (int): The corresponding step. """ if self.batch_granularity: else:, step=step) def _log_params(self, params: Dict, step: int) -> None: """ Log parameters for a specific step. This functions logs parameters as metrics since wandb doesn't support parameter logging. However, the logged parameters are appended by the keyword `parameter` to easily identify them. Args: params (Dict): The parameters to log in the form of a dictionary. step (int): The corresponding step. """ if self.batch_granularity:{"params": params}) else:{"params": params}, step=step) def _log_artifacts(self, paths: List[str], name: str, artifact_type: str) -> None: """ Log artifacts for a specific step. This function logs multiple artifacts under the same artifact group. if you wish to log multiple artifacts alone (i.e. under different artifact groups), you should make multiple calls to this function. Args: paths (List[str]): A list of paths leading to the directories or files that are to be logged. name (str): The artifact group name. artifact_type (str): The artifact group type. """ artifact = wandb.Artifact(name=name, type=artifact_type) for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"The path {path} is not a file nor a directory") if os.path.isdir(path): artifact.add_dir(path) elif os.path.isfile(path): artifact.add_file(path) def _on_test_end_write(self, logs: Dict): # The test metrics are logged a step further than the training's # last step logs = {"testing": {key.replace("test_", ""): value for key, value in logs.items()}} self._log_metrics(logs, + 1) def on_test_end(self, logs: Dict): self._on_test_end_write(logs)