Source code for poutyne.framework.metrics.predefined.fscores

The source code of this file was copied from the AllenNLP project, and has been modified. All modifications
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import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

from poutyne.framework.metrics.base import Metric
from poutyne.framework.metrics.metrics_registering import register_metric_class
from poutyne.framework.metrics.predefined.bincount import _bincount
from poutyne.utils import set_deterministic_debug_mode

[docs] class FBeta(Metric): """ The source code of this class is under the Apache v2 License and was copied from the AllenNLP project and has been modified. Compute precision, recall, F-measure and support for each class. The precision is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fp)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fp`` the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative. The recall is the ratio ``tp / (tp + fn)`` where ``tp`` is the number of true positives and ``fn`` the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples. The F-beta score can be interpreted as a weighted harmonic mean of the precision and recall, where an F-beta score reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0. If we have precision and recall, the F-beta score is simply: ``F-beta = (1 + beta ** 2) * precision * recall / (beta ** 2 * precision + recall)`` The F-beta score weights recall more than precision by a factor of ``beta``. ``beta == 1.0`` means recall and precision are equally important. The support is the number of occurrences of each class in ``y_true``. Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'{metric}_{average}'`` - Validation: ``'val_{metric}_{average}'`` where ``{metric}`` and ``{average}`` are replaced by the value of their respective parameters. Args: metric (Optional[str]): One of {'fscore', 'precision', 'recall'}. Whether to return the F-score, the precision or the recall. When not provided, all three metrics are returned. (Default value = None) average (Union[str, int]): One of {'micro' (default), 'macro', label_number} If the argument is of type integer, the score for this class (the label number) is calculated. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data: ``'binary'``: Calculate metrics with regard to a single class identified by the `pos_label` argument. This is equivalent to `average=pos_label` except that the binary mode is enforced, i.e. an exception will be raised if there are more than two prediction scores. ``'micro'``: Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives. ``'macro'``: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account. (Default value = 'macro') beta (float): The strength of recall versus precision in the F-score. (Default value = 1.0) pos_label (int): The class with respect to which the metric is computed when ``average == 'binary'``. Otherwise, this argument has no effect. (Default value = 1) ignore_index (int): Specifies a target value that is ignored. This also works in combination with a mask if provided. (Default value = -100) threshold (float): Threshold for when there is a single score for each prediction. If a sigmoid output is used, this should be between 0 and 1. A suggested value would be 0.5. If a logits output is used, the threshold would be between -inf and inf. The suggested default value is 0 as to give a probability of 0.5 if a sigmoid output were used. (Default = 0) names (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]): The names associated to the metrics. It is a string when a single metric is requested. It is a list of 3 strings if all metrics are requested. (Default value = None) make_deterministic (Optional[bool]): Avoid non-deterministic operations in computations. This might make the code slower. """ def __init__( self, *, metric: Optional[str] = None, average: Union[str, int] = 'macro', beta: float = 1.0, pos_label: int = 1, ignore_index: int = -100, threshold: float = 0.0, names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, make_deterministic: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.metric_options = ('fscore', 'precision', 'recall') if metric is not None and metric not in self.metric_options: raise ValueError(f"`metric` has to be one of {self.metric_options}.") if metric in ('precision', 'recall') and beta != 1.0: warnings.warn(f"The use of the `beta` argument is useless with {repr(metric)}.") average_options = ('binary', 'micro', 'macro') if average not in average_options and not isinstance(average, int): raise ValueError(f"`average` has to be one of {average_options} or an integer.") if beta <= 0: raise ValueError("`beta` should be >0 in the F-beta score.") self._metric = metric self._average = average if average in average_options else None self._label = None if isinstance(average, int): self._label = average elif average == 'binary': self._label = pos_label self._beta = beta self.ignore_index = ignore_index self.threshold = threshold self.__name__ = self._get_names(names) self.deterministic_debug_mode = ( "error" if make_deterministic is True else "default" if make_deterministic is False else None ) # statistics # the total number of true positive instances under each class # Shape: (num_classes, ) self.register_buffer('_true_positive_sum', None) # the total number of instances # Shape: (num_classes, ) self.register_buffer('_total_sum', None) # the total number of instances under each _predicted_ class, # including true positives and false positives # Shape: (num_classes, ) self.register_buffer('_pred_sum', None) # the total number of instances under each _true_ class, # including true positives and false negatives # Shape: (num_classes, ) self.register_buffer('_true_sum', None) def _get_name(self, metric): name = metric if self._average is not None: name += '_' + self._average if self._label is not None: name += '_' + str(self._label) return name def _get_names(self, names): if self._metric is None: default_name = list(map(self._get_name, self.metric_options)) else: default_name = self._get_name(self._metric) if names is not None: self._validate_supplied_names(names, default_name) return names return default_name def _validate_supplied_names(self, names, default_name): names_list = [names] if isinstance(names, str) else names default_name = [default_name] if isinstance(default_name, str) else default_name if len(names_list) != len(default_name): raise ValueError(f"`names` should contain names for the following metrics: {', '.join(default_name)}.")
[docs] def forward( self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_true: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]] ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float]]: """ Update the confusion matrix for calculating the F-score and compute the metrics for the current batch. See :meth:`FBeta.compute` for details on the return value. Args: y_pred (torch.Tensor): A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, num_classes, ...). y_true (Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]): Ground truths. A tensor of the integer class label of shape (batch_size, ...). It must be the same shape as the ``y_pred`` tensor without the ``num_classes`` dimension. It can also be a tuple with two tensors of the same shape, the first being the ground truths and the second being a mask. Returns: A float if a single metric is set in the ``__init__`` or a tuple of floats (f-score, precision, recall) if all metrics are requested. """ true_positive_sum, pred_sum, true_sum = self._update(y_pred, y_true) return self._compute(true_positive_sum, pred_sum, true_sum)
[docs] def update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_true: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]) -> None: """ Update the confusion matrix for calculating the F-score. Args: y_pred (torch.Tensor): A tensor of predictions of shape (batch_size, num_classes, ...). y_true (Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]): Ground truths. A tensor of the integer class label of shape (batch_size, ...). It must be the same shape as the ``y_pred`` tensor without the ``num_classes`` dimension. It can also be a tuple with two tensors of the same shape, the first being the ground truths and the second being a mask. """ self._update(y_pred, y_true)
def _update(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y_true: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches with set_deterministic_debug_mode(self.deterministic_debug_mode): if isinstance(y_true, tuple): y_true, mask = y_true mask = mask.bool() else: mask = torch.ones_like(y_true).bool() if self.ignore_index is not None: mask *= y_true != self.ignore_index if y_pred.shape[0] == 1: y_pred, y_true, mask = ( y_pred.squeeze().unsqueeze(0), y_true.squeeze().unsqueeze(0), mask.squeeze().unsqueeze(0), ) else: y_pred, y_true, mask = y_pred.squeeze(), y_true.squeeze(), mask.squeeze() num_classes = 2 if y_pred.shape != y_true.shape: num_classes = y_pred.size(1) if (y_true >= num_classes).any(): raise ValueError( f"A gold label passed to FBetaMeasure contains an id >= {num_classes}, the number of classes." ) if self._average == 'binary' and num_classes > 2: raise ValueError("When `average` is binary, the number of prediction scores must be 2.") # It means we call this metric at the first time # when `self._true_positive_sum` is None. if self._true_positive_sum is None: self._true_positive_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) self._true_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) self._pred_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) self._total_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) y_true = y_true.float() if y_pred.shape != y_true.shape: argmax_y_pred = y_pred.argmax(1).float() else: argmax_y_pred = (y_pred > self.threshold).float() true_positives = (y_true == argmax_y_pred) * mask true_positives_bins = y_true[true_positives] # Watch it: # The total numbers of true positives under all _predicted_ classes are zeros. if true_positives_bins.shape[0] == 0: true_positive_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) else: true_positive_sum = _bincount(true_positives_bins.long(), minlength=num_classes).float() pred_bins = argmax_y_pred[mask].long() # Watch it: # When the `mask` is all 0, we will get an _empty_ tensor. if pred_bins.shape[0] != 0: pred_sum = _bincount(pred_bins, minlength=num_classes).float() else: pred_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) y_true_bins = y_true[mask].long() if y_true.shape[0] != 0: true_sum = _bincount(y_true_bins, minlength=num_classes).float() else: true_sum = torch.zeros(num_classes, device=y_pred.device) self._true_positive_sum += true_positive_sum self._pred_sum += pred_sum self._true_sum += true_sum self._total_sum += mask.sum().to(torch.float) return true_positive_sum, pred_sum, true_sum
[docs] def compute(self) -> Union[float, Tuple[float]]: """ Returns either a float if a single metric is set in the ``__init__`` or a tuple of floats (f-score, precision, recall) if all metrics are requested. """ if self._true_positive_sum is None: raise RuntimeError("You never call this metric before.") return self._compute(self._true_positive_sum, self._pred_sum, self._true_sum)
def _compute(self, tp_sum, pred_sum, true_sum): if self._average == 'micro': tp_sum = tp_sum.sum() pred_sum = pred_sum.sum() true_sum = true_sum.sum() beta2 = self._beta**2 # Finally, we have all our sufficient statistics. precision = _prf_divide(tp_sum, pred_sum) recall = _prf_divide(tp_sum, true_sum) fscore = (1 + beta2) * precision * recall / (beta2 * precision + recall) fscore[tp_sum == 0] = 0.0 if self._average == 'macro': precision = precision.mean() recall = recall.mean() fscore = fscore.mean() if self._label is not None: # Retain only selected labels and order them precision = precision[self._label] recall = recall[self._label] fscore = fscore[self._label] if self._metric is None: return [fscore.item(), precision.item(), recall.item()] if self._metric == 'fscore': return fscore.item() if self._metric == 'precision': return precision.item() # if self._metric == 'recall': return recall.item()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: self._true_positive_sum = None self._pred_sum = None self._true_sum = None self._total_sum = None
[docs] @register_metric_class class F1(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'fscore'`` and ``beta == 1``. Possible string name: - ``'f1'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'fscore_{average}'`` - Validation: ``'val_fscore_{average}'`` where ``{average}`` is replaced by the value of the respective parameter. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _raise_invalid_use_of_beta('F1', kwargs) super().__init__(metric='fscore', **kwargs)
[docs] @register_metric_class class Precision(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'precision'``. Possible string name: - ``'precision'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'precision_{average}'`` - Validation: ``'val_precision_{average}'`` where ``{average}`` is replaced by the value of the respective parameter. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(metric='precision', **kwargs)
[docs] @register_metric_class class Recall(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'recall'``. Possible string name: - ``'recall'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'recall_{average}'`` - Validation: ``'val_recall_{average}'`` where ``{average}`` is replaced by the value of the respective parameter. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(metric='recall', **kwargs)
[docs] @register_metric_class('binaryf1', 'binf1') class BinaryF1(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'fscore'``, ``average='binary'`` and ``beta == 1``. Possible string name: - ``'binary_f1'`` - ``'bin_f1'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'bin_fscore'`` - Validation: ``'val_bin_fscore'`` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): _raise_invalid_use_of_beta('BinaryF1', kwargs) kwargs = {'names': 'bin_fscore', **kwargs} super().__init__(metric='fscore', average='binary', **kwargs)
[docs] @register_metric_class('binaryprecision', 'binprecision') class BinaryPrecision(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'precision'`` and ``average='binary'``. Possible string name: - ``'binary_precision'`` - ``'bin_precision'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'bin_precision'`` - Validation: ``'val_bin_precision'`` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = {'names': 'bin_precision', **kwargs} super().__init__(metric='precision', average='binary', **kwargs)
[docs] @register_metric_class('binaryrecall', 'binrecall') class BinaryRecall(FBeta): """ Alias class for :class:`~poutyne.FBeta` where ``metric == 'recall'`` and ``average='binary'``. Possible string name: - ``'binary_recall'`` - ``'bin_recall'`` Keys in :class:`logs<poutyne.Callback>` dictionary of callbacks: - Train: ``'bin_recall'`` - Validation: ``'val_bin_recall'`` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = {'names': 'bin_recall', **kwargs} super().__init__(metric='recall', average='binary', **kwargs)
def _prf_divide(numerator, denominator): """Performs division and handles divide-by-zero. On zero-division, sets the corresponding result elements to zero. """ result = numerator / denominator mask = denominator == 0.0 if not mask.any(): return result # remove nan result[mask] = 0.0 return result def _raise_invalid_use_of_beta(name, kwargs): if 'beta' in kwargs: raise ValueError(f"The use of the `beta` argument with {name} is invalid. Use FBeta instead.")